What are the reasons to foster and what can you get out of fostering children? Well when fostering the benefits don’t stop, as the child in your care grows so do the benefits, with endless opportunities the sky is the limit. To list a few of the many benefits to fostering, from the onset you are provided with training worth over £2.000, this includes some life skills training and more specific fostering training, with the First Aid training you will become a fully qualified first aider, giving you the skills to become a real life saver. Further to that you will also be trained in the following, Health & safety, safer caring & risk assessment, safeguarding and medication training with all these trainings you’ll benefit from a wide array of knowledge about all aspects of fostering and child care. You’ll benefit financially when fostering with a minimum of £400 per week, but beyond that you’re employability will also increase, opening more doors and allowing you to do what you love!